We've now been in France for three weeks and I can see how Europe is quite different from the USA where we stayed for one year (to apply for and get a ‘green card’). Here are two small, personal examples of the downside up (more than upside down, right?) kingdom of the false god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4 and John 12:31)
One is a speeding ticket with a price tag of 45 Euros plus a point on the driving licence if I pay within 14 days - otherwise it will become 180 Euros. This is from an automatic radar trap with associated camera which noted that my speed was 96 km/hour in a 90 km/hour road. There is a 5% leeway which would make for a speed of 94.5 km/hour without a fine. This is an example of micromanagement by the Government over the people. It is also likely that high level government officials can freely violate these laws without cost. I had to go to a Tabac (tobacconist shop) to facilitate payment of this fine and even the shop assistant was desolated on my behalf even though I hadn't brought the topic up. In America I have not yet come across automated radar speed traps; but there is always a state trooper at the bottom of a long steep hill on the interstate highways toward the end of the month! Another ‘but’, at least, it means that there is a real person and a programmed camera is not sufficient to fine you – there are so many of these auto speed check cameras in Europe. In America there are prayer rooms and water fountains in the airports but in Europe the only option is to buy bottles of water for 3 Euros and the prayer room was outside the security area - this was in Dublin, Ireland. The other example was from a mistake of the telephone company (France Telecom - called Orange since 2013 July 1) that cut the line thereby cutting not just the phone line but the internet as well. It took them 2 full weeks to restore their mistake. This is an example of a company that has no real competition and can set mediocre standards without fear of going bust. I have experienced a similar thing with regard to purchases outside France. Last winter while we were still in France I bought a small gas heater to be able to rapidly take the chill off cold mornings as there was no ducted central heating in the house where we were staying. I could find them for just over 2 Euros/ each from the UK and ordered 20 of them but they never arrived. I contacted the supplier and they sent a second lot and then found that they were being turned back at the border. It seems that we were not allowed to buy from another country but only from France where the same can of butane was around 5 Euros. By then it was over the coldest part of winter so we didn't buy any at all. Also in France our English car, after a certain time period, could not be insured and to make it insurable would require it to go through regulations and procedure (not to mention time) more than the car was worth. We have become accustomed to live in a world where these kinds of things are tolerated and we find ways around it and factor it in to our expenses. We tend toward acceptance of regulations whose main purpose is to enforce compliance and stifle competition from entrepreneurs. This has been fostered in us from our school days where we are taught to conform and comply. It is interesting that in many European countries 'home schooling' is actually forbidden and failure to comply can result in your children being taken away and becoming the property of the state. In America home schooling is allowed and will probably become a trend that will increase as more personal responsibility is returned to the people from its present usurpation by government. The artificial structures of pyramid, hierarchical form that we are so familiar with are manifestations of the modus operandi of the angelic realm. These structures mean that the power of a single individual can be multiplied many times over and the one at the top of the pyramid can easily enforce compliance. Of course they can keep their position as long as they are compliant with the structures that are above them until the ultimate head of the overall pyramid structure which is the false god of this world. This angelic realm is the one that was created to be in the servant position. Mankind is in the position of children as implied in the passage of the Bible that we are in the image of God. The difference between the love of parent toward the child is of a different quality than the love of master toward the servant (and vice versa). Jesus clearly stated that he did not come to be served. This is the origin of the 'Fall of Man' in that the Archangel Lucifer recognized this difference and wanted to have this higher quality of love without going about it in the right way. Even though he received the same amount and quality of love as he did before the creation of mankind he perceived that he had a reduction. (Like the parable of the laborers in the vineyard: Matthew 20:1-15) If Lucifer, the Archangel, had overcome that feeling and stayed united with and loyal to God then mankind would have fully matured to become like a visible and tangible manifestation of God and he, Lucifer, would then have received tangible love from countless manifestations of the intangible God. This is the very fundamental aspect of why the One God who is best described as intangible mind (definitely beyond time and space!) came to create mankind in His direct image that there would be an object partner of Love and, through this, Love could be expressed in an entirely new way. A little bit like the difference between the intangible joy that can be achieved by imagining to do something with the more substantial joy that can be attained from actually doing that and seeing the finished manifestation of what you have now created and experiencing interaction with it. Remember here that a fundamental quality of love is that it requires at least one other to manifest. Love cannot be fully manifested by any entity on its own. Rev. Moon gave the example of a famous opera singer alone on an island without any audience. In this case the person is far less likely to sing loudly simply because there is no-one there to appreciate it. Doesn't this sound like a more solid reason as to why God should create mankind than to declare that He made mankind simply because He could and He wanted to. Yet this is the reasoning that I have heard given by a pastor of the James River Church of Springfield, Missouri. They have 11,000 worshipers every Sunday over three campuses, by the way, so they are quite a significant church. To understand the fundamental role of mankind as God's children is something that we really need to solidly connect with. As I've mentioned before, in earlier essays, that the fundamental purpose of creation is better summed up by 1 Corinthians 3:16 rather than the normally quoted John 3:16. What do you think? Then the situations that I described at the start of this blog will simply be seen as fundamentally inappropriate and totally unacceptable. These attitudes previously accepted as normal with this new understanding will quite naturally atrophy and die. The world will then become like a One World Family centered firmly on God. Herein lies the reason we do need to connect with the Lord of the Second Coming and the Eight Great Textbooks. The Exposition of the Divine Principle is one of these; a link to the 3-color version is on the Home Page and to a fully indexed one on the Resources Page. Please check it out – The Bible will then take on a new significance and it will become clear which parts are to be taken literally and which are figurative. Thank you for reading this. As ever I look forward to hearing from you. Peace, Love and Power in Christ! (Christ who, most fundamentally, is True Parents) Andrew Derricutt email: [email protected] This was first written more than two years ago now. I’ve since had further experiences in the USA which confirm my understanding of this Nation as a special nation in the sight of God. I’d like to share that in the next blog. I’ve had so many heated discussions about this topic. The title is deliberately confrontational to encourage you to check out the evidence here. If long standing preconceived ideas can be successfully challenged then I believe there’s a greater chance that the Lord at His Second Advent will be recognised. After all, as I explained in an earlier post, Jesus Himself stated that even for faithful Christians to identify and connect with the Lord at His Second Coming would not be an easy thing at all.
Here is how the Exposition of the Divine Principle elucidates this topic: THE SECOND COMING OF ELIJAH AND JOHN THE BAPTIST The prophet Malachi foretold that Elijah would come again: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” (Mal. 4:5) Jesus testified that the prophesied coming of Elijah was realized in none other than John the Baptist: “I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased. . . .” Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist (Matt. 17:12-13) THE JEWISH BELIEF IN THE RETURN OF ELIJAH Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind and a fiery chariot (2Kings 2:11) before he could complete his divine mission. Satan’s power revived and continued to plague God’s providence. The way of the Messiah could not be made straight until Satan’s influence was removed. Hence, before Jesus could realize the ideal of the incarnate Temple, another prophet should inherit and complete Elijah’s unfinished mission of breaking people’s ties with Satan. Due to this providential necessity, the prophet Malachi foretold that Elijah would come again. (Mal. 4:5) The Jewish people who believed in the prophecies of Scripture fervently hoped for the advent of the Messiah. Yet we should know that they longed just as eagerly for the return of Elijah. (my bold italics) This was because God had clearly promised through the prophet Malachi that He would send the prophet Elijah prior to the advent of the Messiah to prepare the way of the Lord. Just as there are Christians today who are resolutely looking to the sky with the expectation that Jesus will come in the clouds, Jews of Jesus’ day were looking up at the sky, anxiously awaiting the coming of Elijah. Nevertheless, before any news was heard about Elijah having come again to fulfill Malachi’s prophecy, Jesus suddenly appeared and claimed to be the Messiah. It is no wonder that Jesus’ appearance and proclamation stirred up all of Jerusalem in great confusion. Wherever Jesus’ disciples went, they were bombarded with the question about Elijah, who was supposed to come first. Lacking an adequate answer themselves, the disciples turned to Jesus asking, “Then why do the scribes say that first Elijah must come?” (Matt. 17:10) Jesus replied that John the Baptist was the very Elijah whom the people were awaiting. (Matt. 17:12-13) Since the disciples already believed that Jesus was the Messiah, they willingly accepted his testimony that John the Baptist was Elijah. Yet how could others who did not know Jesus accept this controversial claim? THE DIRECTION THE JEWISH PEOPLE WOULD CHOOSE Jesus made it plain that John the Baptist was the very Elijah whom the people were so anxiously awaiting, while on the contrary, John the Baptist himself flatly negated this claim. Whose words were the Jewish people to believe? This matter obviously depended on which of the two, Jesus or John, appeared more credible and respectable in the eyes of the people of that time. Let us examine how Jesus must have appeared to the Jewish people. Jesus was an uneducated young man who grew up in the poor and lowly home of a carpenter. This unknown young man suddenly appeared and called himself the “Lord of the Sabbath” while apparently defiling the Sabbath, which pious Jews kept with utmost reverence. (Matt. 12:1-8) Jesus thus gained the reputation of one who wanted to abolish the Law, which for the Jews was the basis of salvation. (Matt. 5:17) Therefore, the leaders of the Jewish community persecuted Jesus. Jesus was compelled to gather disciples from among simple fishermen and to befriend tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners, with whom he would eat and drink. (Matt. 11:19) Moreover, Jesus seemed to place himself on an equal footing with God (John 14:9) and asserted that no one could enter God’s Kingdom except through him. (John 14:6) He insisted that people should love him more than they love their own parents, brothers and sisters, spouses or children. (Matt. 10:37 – Luke 14:26) From all this, we can gather that Jesus was far from credible in the eyes of the Jewish people of his time. How did John the Baptist appear to the Jewish people of that time? John the Baptist was born to a prominent family; he was the son of Zechariah, a priest. The miracles and signs surrounding John’s conception and birth surprised all the hill country of Judea. One day, when Zechariah was burning incense in the Temple, an angel appeared before him and announced that his wife, who was old and barren, would soon conceive a son. When he did not believe the angel’s words, he was struck dumb, and his tongue was loosed only upon the birth of the child. (Luke 1:9-66) Furthermore, John led an exemplary life of faith and discipline in the wilderness, surviving on locusts and wild honey. For these reasons, many Jewish people wondered whether perhaps he was the Christ, and a delegation of priests and Levites came to him and asked him this directly. (Luke 3:15 – John 1:20) The Jewish people respected John to this extent. When the Jewish people of Jesus’ day compared Jesus and John the Baptist, who appeared more credible to them? Without a doubt, John’s words had more credibility. Therefore, they naturally believed John the Baptist when he denied being Elijah more than they believed Jesus’ testimony that John was Elijah. Since the people believed John, they considered Jesus’ words to be a fabrication concocted to support his dubious claim to be the Messiah. Consequently, Jesus was condemned as an impostor. As long as the Jewish people kept their faith in the prophecy of Malachi, they had to reject Jesus, who claimed to be the Messiah, because from their viewpoint Elijah had not yet come. On the other hand, to believe in Jesus they would have had to deny the biblical prophecy which asserted that the Messiah would come only after the return of Elijah. Since pious Jews would not even consider denying the prophecies of Scripture, they were left with no other choice but to disbelieve in Jesus. THE FAITHLESSNESS OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Many among the Jewish leadership and people of Jesus’ day had the highest respect for John the Baptist; some even thought of him as the Messiah. Had John the Baptist announced that he was Elijah, as Jesus had testified, those who were eagerly waiting for the Messiah would have readily believed John’s testimony and flocked to Jesus. Instead, John’s ignorance of God’s providence, which led him to insist that he was not Elijah, became the principal reason why the Jewish people did not come to Jesus. John the Baptist testified to Jesus at the Jordan River: I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Matt. 3:11) I myself did not know him; but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, “He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.” And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God. (John 1:33-34) God had directly revealed to John that Jesus was the Messiah, and John bore witness to this revelation. Moreover, he said, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’” (John 1:23) and declared that he was the one who had been sent before the Christ. (John 3:28) Therefore, John should have realized through his own wisdom that he was the returning Elijah. However, John was ignorant of God’s Will. He negated Jesus’ testimony concerning him; moreover, he separated from Jesus and went his own way. (my bold italics) In truth, John the Baptist’s mission as a witness ended when he baptized Jesus and testified to him. What should his mission have been after that point? In this light, after John the Baptist bore witness to Jesus, he more than anyone, should have served Jesus with ardent devotion as a disciple for the rest of his life. However, John left Jesus and went about baptizing independently. It is no wonder that the Jewish people were confused to the point of even supposing that John was the Messiah. (Luke 3:15) Their leaders were confused, too. (John 1:19-20) What is more, in one incident, a Jew who followed Jesus and the disciples of John the Baptist quarreled with each other over whose teacher was giving more baptisms. (John 3:25-26) We can also discern from John’s statement, “He must increase, but I must decrease,” (John 3:30) that in his heart John did not regard himself as sharing the same destiny as Jesus. Indeed, John the Baptist should have been Jesus’ foremost apostle, zealously proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus. Yet, due to his blindness, he did not fulfill his mission. His precious life, which was meant to be offered for Jesus’ sake, was eventually lost over a relatively insignificant affair. (Mark 6:14-29) When the mind of John the Baptist was focused on God, he recognized Jesus as the Messiah and testified to him. Later, when the inspiration left him and he returned to a mundane state, his ignorance returned and exacerbated his faithlessness. At one point, John tried to resolve his doubts by sending his disciples to Jesus, asking, “Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?” (Matt. 11:3) When Jesus was confronted with this question from John, he answered indignantly, with an air of admonition: Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is he who takes no offense at me. (Matt. 11:4-6) Since Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, he was more in need of one leader who could guide a thousand than a thousand who would follow a leader. Did he not first preach the Gospel to the priests and scribes in the Temple? He went there in search of prepared and capable people. Jesus expressed his sorrow in these words of judgment: “Blessed is he who takes no offense at me.” (Matt. 11:6) Though John was greatly admired in his day, Jesus judged John’s life by saying obliquely that one who took offense at him would not be blessed, no matter how great he might be. After the disciples of John the Baptist finished questioning Jesus and left, Jesus remarked that although John may have been the greatest of all prophets, he failed to complete the mission God had entrusted to him: Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (Matt. 11:11) If testifying to the Messiah was the main mission of the prophets, then John the Baptist was surely the greatest of prophets. Nevertheless, in terms of attending the Messiah, he was the least of all. Everyone in the kingdom of heaven, no matter how lowly, knew that Jesus was the Messiah and served him with devotion. Yet John the Baptist, who had been called upon to serve the Messiah more closely than anyone else, separated from Jesus and walked his own way. In terms of his devotion to Jesus, therefore, he was less than even the least in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus continued, “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” (Matt. 11:12 NIV) John the Baptist was chosen from before his birth and led an arduous ascetic life in the wilderness. Had he attended Jesus with a sincere heart, the position of Jesus’ chief disciple was surely reserved for him. However, because he failed in his mission to serve Jesus, Peter, a “forceful man,” laid hold of the position of chief disciple. We can deduce from the expression “from the days of John the Baptist until now” that Jesus spoke the verses that follow (Matt. 11:16-19) in reference not primarily to the people in general but specifically to John the Baptist. Jesus concluded, “Wisdom is justified by her deeds.” (Matt. 11:19) Had John acted wisely, he would not have left Jesus, and his deeds would have been remembered forever as righteousness. Unfortunately, he was foolish. He blocked the Jewish people’s path to Jesus, as well as his own path. Here we have come to understand that the main reason why Jesus had to die on the cross was the failure of John the Baptist. THE SENSE IN WHICH JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS ELIJAH We have stated previously that John the Baptist was to inherit and complete the mission which Elijah had left unfinished on earth. As recorded in the Bible, he was born with the mission to go before the Lord, “in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.” (Luke 1:17) Hence, in terms of his mission, John was the second coming of Elijah. OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD THE BIBLE We have been reading the Bible based on the unquestioned belief that John the Baptist was a great prophet. Our new insight into John the Baptist teaches us that we should dispense with the conservative attitude of faith which makes us afraid to question conventional beliefs and traditional doctrines. (only the main points have been made here - for a fuller explanation please read the full version from the Exposition of the Divine Principle) This is especially important in this time in which we are now living which is truly the Last Days! Praise God!!! Thank you for reading this, which is longer than the originally intended five minute read per essay! Andrew Derricutt I am promoting that the Messiah, that is, the Lord of the Second Advent (LSA), has already come. If you are insistent upon the Lord coming on the literal clouds then you will not accept this statement. But you should ask yourself that if the Lord can come again in a such a way as to effect judgement and that the new heaven and new earth will come at this time for the faithful and, for those who are not to suffer eternal hell, what are the conditions that have to be met for that result to be set in motion. On a similar note what is the purpose of eternal punishment for those who reject God’s purpose and what kind of God is it that is OK with eternal punishment. Punishment should have a purpose, right? To help those who are wrong to see the error of their ways, repent and turn back from this path of self destruction.
If the Lord does not come in a supernatural way on a cloud with the trumpet call of heaven but comes in a similar way that Jesus did; that is, born upon the earth then the LSA truly will have a hard time being accepted. If we can understand what it is, precisely, that the LSA actually has to accomplish then we will be better equipped to recognize the LSA and evaluate who is more likely to be the one whom God has sent. The Fall of Man gave rise to two results. The first human ancestors never reached maturity in that they could be blessed in a union centered upon God but fell in immaturity under the dominion of a fallen archangel; Lucifer, who became re-named Satan. This separated the first human ancestors from God and instead of becoming the true parents of mankind they became locked into blood ties with the false god of the world (2Cor4:4); false ruler of this world (John 12:31) and became false parents. Both Jesus and John the Baptist called fallen mankind a ‘brood of vipers’ (children of the devil). The whole thrust of restoration history has, therefore, been to recreate True Parents and to separate fallen mankind from the false blood lineage of the Fall. St Paul equated Jesus with Adam for this reason. Jesus is the one who accomplished what Adam failed to do – Jesus is, in a manner of speaking, True Adam. Adam should have, by holding on to God’s word, reached maturity centered on the original purpose of creation and, together with Eve become True Parents. Because Jesus was rejected, by the then chosen people, Jesus could not restore the Eve position and Jesus together with the Holy Spirit gave spiritual re-birth to born again Christians who thereby became adopted children of God. The re-birth received in this way could not be bequeathed to the children of born again Christian parents; they will need re-birth also. The LSC (Lord of the Second Coming - aka LSA), therefore, will have to be born on the earth in a similar manner as Jesus in order to give this complete re-birth. Just as Jesus had a hard time being recognized as the Messiah/ Christ as he didn’t seem to fit the prophesies to those contemporaneous with Jesus – Daniel 7:13; Malachi 4:5,6; so, too, will the LSC have a hard time being recognized by Christians of the Last Days In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. (Daniel 7:13 NIV New International Version Bible) “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” (Malachi 4:5,6 NIV New International Version Bible) The first quotation seems very spiritual whereas Jesus looked pretty much like any other person. The second quotation was negated by John the Baptist who neglected to follow Jesus and denied that he was the Elijah (John 1:20). In hindsight we can now see that Jesus is the real Messiah but, at the time of Jesus, it wasn’t so straightforward or clear cut. The LSA born on the earth in our time will have a hard time being accepted if he is rejected by the orthodox church. Just as in the time of Jesus the ones who connect with the LSA will not be spiritually accomplished people; I know because I was one of those people. However, that was more than 41 years ago now and my understanding of Sun Myung Moon as the LSA (Lord of the Second Advent) has not diminished in any way but become ever stronger and clearer. Here are some reasons why I can confidently assert that LSC Sun Myung Moon fits with the will and providence of God. Jesus promised in John 16:25 that when he comes again he will no longer speak in parables but speak plainly of the Father. The Exposition of the Divine Principle makes sense of the distinction of the offerings of Cain and Abel described in the Bible. It makes sense of the story of Jacob who ‘bought’ the birthright from his brother Esau for a pottage of lentils. Through the Fall Adam came to stand in an unprincipled position of standing between two masters and was divided between Cain and Abel who stood in positions where each was under one master. Jacob and Esau had a similar task in that the one of God’s side had to win over the one on Satan’s side. I would recommend reading the Exposition of the Divine Principle for yourself and see how it brings a clarity to the stories recorded in the Bible. Why could God, who is all-knowing and all-powerful, not prevent the terrible event of the Fall? The LSA comes to bring a new expression of truth as Jesus promised in John 16:25. The LSC comes to bring re-birth such that a union between parents re-born in this way can give birth to children without the original sin. Some of You may remember the mass weddings conducted by Reverend Moon. The purpose was to restore the lineage of the Fall into the lineage of God. LSA Sun Myung Moon ascended in 2012 September. Since then his wife and children have misrepresented and deviated from the teachings that explained so meticulously the way of restoration explaining the special nature of the time that we now live in. The LSA naturally heralds the Last Days of Satan’s false dominion. Through the LSA we can separate from the original sin through the Blessing Ceremony – aka Mass Weddings – (which includes Holy Wine, indemnity stick and the Three Day Ceremony) and we have the Completed Testament level of truth which explains God’s purpose of creation. (in other words – why God created, and its purpose). It explains the course of the Fall of Man and the result of that and why God, precisely, could not interfere, or intervene, in the first human ancestors’ fallen act. It explains the providence of restoration worked by God over the long course of restoration history. It is 6,000 Biblical years but in measured time it is in the order of 10’s of millions of years. The pre-Old Testament era was measured in generations and only the relevant ones were counted. Jesus gave several warnings that it would not be an easy or straightforward thing to recognize the LSA. Here are some of those: Luke 18:8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8 New International Version (NIV) Bible) Luke 17:25 But first he (LSA) must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. (Luke 17:25 New International Version (NIV) Bible (My inclusion of LSA in parenthesis)) and the scary Matthew 7 :21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7: 21-23 New International Version (NIV) Bible) To cut from the original sin is a fundamental task that can only be accomplished by the LSA. Truth is eternal and unchangeable but the expressions of truth have varied according to the spiritual maturity of those to whom it was given. As an example: the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament Age are still valid and yet Jesus gave a whole new understanding of the application of them. I am hoping that you will check out the Exposition of the Divine Principle, Sermons of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Cheon Seong Gyeong, World Scripture Volume 2 which contains insights from LSC Sun Myung Moon that you can take it to God in prayer to verify whether or not they are in alignment with God’s Will. In addition I am willing to discourse with You and enlarge or clarify issues which have been expressed here. I accept that there are abridged explanations and sudden conclusions. Let us reason together. And why not? There is nothing to lose. We have to test all things and hold fast to what is good, right? (As per St Paul in his letter to Thessalonians) Andrew Derricutt |
AuthorI came to Christ through the Lord at His Second Coming. I have been connected with what some would regard as a ‘New Age cult’ for more than 40 years. I want, through this website, to share what I’ve come to understand, and show that it stands up to scrutiny, and criticism. Archives
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